Money and the Meaning of Life
Crazy Money with Paul Ollinger
Race and Money with Coleman Hughes (Encore)

Race and Money with Coleman Hughes (Encore)

Today’s guest is Coleman Hughes, a writer, podcaster, opinion columnist and self-described "Black man who does’t think everything is about race.” Coleman has a new book out this week called 'The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America,’ in which he confronts the "failed corporate diversity and inclusion efforts and poisonous race-based policies that hurt the very people they intend to help."

Coleman has been featured in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The National Review, Quillette, The City Journal and The Spectator. He's appeared on many TV shows and podcasts including Real Time with Bill Maher, Making Sense with Sam Harris and the Jordan B. Peterson podcast. 

In this conversation from summer of 2022, Coleman and I talk about:

  • The Racial Wealth Gap and its origins, 

  • Why government action including reparations is not a solution

  • Whether 100% equality among all races is possible or even desirable, 

  • How progressive policies that supposedly help African-Americans are actually holding them back and…

  • What issues we should focus on if we actually want to empower Black Economic Autonomy.

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Topics include DEI, race, racial wealth gap, reparations, Ibram Kendi, Robin DiAngelo, economics, inequality.

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Money and the Meaning of Life
Crazy Money with Paul Ollinger
Money makes the world go round – but how does it shape you as a person? Join comedian and former Facebook Sales VP Paul Ollinger as he extracts a wealth of wisdom from CEOs and celebrities, authors and artists, Olympic gold medalists and Nobel Prize winners – each with a unique perspective on the role that money plays in our lives. At a time when talking about personal finance can still feel taboo, Paul offers refreshingly honest discussions about the motivations and misconceptions surrounding money, ultimately asking: what are the ways in which it can (and can’t) bring us happiness? Crazy Money won’t make you rich. But it will definitely make you think (and laugh).