
Timely article Paul! Appreciate the historical research and reminders. I now view the Jewish people with even more sympathy. I desire to better understand why they are so hated by their neighbors. Not sure you want to pick up that hot potato :-)

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I love you for writing this. The education and the importance of that education cannot be understated. - Please pardon the length of this comment but I cannot resist an attempt at the Ollinger style of sarcasm in order to express my opinion about god. --- 14,000,000,000 years ago, an all-knowing power of energy and uber-intelligence turned nothing into something. An infinitely small black spot of nothingness became an infinitely large universe. A stunning achievement, most everyone agrees. 10,000,000,000 years later, the supreme almighty created a planet with unique capabilities to support organic life. Roughly ~4,000,000 years ago, an intelligent form of life emerged that would slowly become what is now called humans. Just a mere 4000 years ago, humans matured to the point where they could comprehend this all-powerful entity that created them. Confused at first, they comprehended multiple god-like beings but as their wisdom grew, they came to recognize that there was just one great creator of all that they could comprehend – one God. In one of the most extraordinary coincidences of all time, this all-knowing creator of everything turns out to look exactly like humans. Even more stunning, God looked like a male human and His beard and His skin color had a magical way of appearing a bit different to align with the elite human being that was comprehending Him. Lucky for the humans, God had nothing else to think about except their destiny and He had a very special place hidden away among the stars where the humans he liked got to go after they died. RIDICULOUS.

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